Sunday, August 11, 2013

ADP begins implementing FEDLIMS system in its forensic evidence labs

Achieving the highest levels in work performance

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Sunday, August 11th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

According to statistics released by Abu Dhabi Police, the Forensic Evidence Department at the Directorate General of Security and Ports Affairs has handled a total of 7,049 cases using the Information Management System (LIMS) between January 1st and July 25th, compared to 12, 388 cases in the same period last year.

Brigadier General Dr. Saif Bu Dhufaira Al Ameri, Director General of Security and Ports Affairs indicated that the Abu Dhabi Police endeavors to improve administrative and technical work to achieve its strategy of development and e-transformation in work performance. He pointed out that the FEDLIMS System has been successful in the field of information management, particularly with respect to testing and technical reports; e-linking between the forensic evidence departments; and establishing an integrated database.

“The new system provides technical and administrative support to the department’s strategy, and aims at achieving the objectives of the Directorate General of Security and Ports Affairs, which stems out of the Abu Dhabi Police strategy’s main objectives,” he added.

Brigadier General Al Ameri said: “Achieving and perfecting the e-linking between the Forensic Evidence Department, the prosecution and the courts; and harnessing the potentials of the FEDLIMS System with the various government or private entities, represent a paradigm shift in the field of forensic evidence work, to accelerate achievement.”

For his part, Colonel Abdul Rahman Al Hammadi, Head of the Criminal Evidence Department indicated that the key objective of implementing the FEDLIMS system is to optimize the use of criminal evidence. “This aims to reach the highest levels of quality in technical and management performance; to achieve criminal justice; and complete the work with the required speed and precision,” he stated.

He pointed out that preparations for the project began in 2011, commensurate with the nature of work in forensic evidence; noting that all issues received by the forensic evidence sections of the Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Tarif police stations were registered. Furthermore, he pointing out that in 2012, e-linking was achieved between the system and the various lab-testing entities, such as the biological and chemical tests; thus enabling data entry of all issues without human intervention. “The system was also linked to police stations with the authority to receive technical reports,” he continued.

Al Hammadi added that the FEDLIMS System was designed as per the requirements of the ISO 17025 standard for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories obtained by the department, and provides a 15 electronic performance indicator without human intervention.

“Currently, all issues are received electronically from the various police stations; preparations are underway to e-link the receipt and delivery operations of issues from the prosecution and the courts,” he said.

For his part, Captain Expert Ahmed Saeed Al Kaabi, Application Supervisor of the FEDLIMS System indicated that the system provides paper-free precise security measures. It also includes a unit to develop the efficiency and capabilities of all personnel working at the department; to provide the perfect training programs that fit the needs of all Forensic Evidence Department’s sections and branches.

“The system provides users with detailed statistics and reports in the form of graphs and tables. It also contains performance assessment units to measure employee performance and overall performance of the department; as well as an electronic training manual,” Al Kaabi added.

The system also allows data transfer between the various sections and branches, as well as the possibility to automatically print results and reports, once linked electronically to the devices.

Concluding, Al Kaabi noted that the FEDLIMS System sheds light on the methods of the departments’ quality system, and allows forensic evidence laboratories to review the international accreditation standards of quality. “It also uses hardware compatible with global industry standards and operating systems such as the Windows system,” he said.

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Photo Caption:

Photo 1: Brigadier General Dr. Saif Bu Dhufaira Al Ameri

Photo 2: Colonel Abdul Rahman Al Hammadi

Photo 3: Captain Ahmed Al Kaabi

The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317


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