DALLAS - Friday, March 4th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Kosmos Energy announces today that the company’s Enyenra-2A appraisal well has confirmed a downdip extension of the light oil field discovered by the Owo-1 (renamed Enyenra) exploration well drilled in 2010 offshore the Republic of Ghana on the Deepwater Tano Block. The Enyenra-2A well encountered oil and gas-condensate in high-quality stacked sandstone reservoirs.
The Enyenra-2A well, located more than seven kilometers (four miles) south and downdip of the Owo-1 discovery well, was drilled to intersect the upper channel in which oil was discovered by the Owo-1 and Owo-1 sidetrack wells and the lower channel where gas-condensate was found in the Owo-1 sidetrack. Results of drilling, wireline logs, reservoir fluid samples and pressure data show that the Enyenra-2A well intersected 21 meters (69 feet) of oil pay in the upper channel and 11 meters (36 feet) of oil pay in the lower channel.
Pressure data from the upper channel indicate that the Enyenra-2A well is in communication with the Owo-1 well. Oil pressures in the lower channel suggest the well also may be in communication with the deeper pools seen in the Owo-1 and Owo-1 sidetrack wells. The Enyenra-2A well also tested a distal portion of a deeper Turonian-age fan where five meters (16 feet) of gas-condensate sandstones were intersected. An evaluation of the extent and thickness of this new play continues.
The “Deepwater Millennium” dynamically positioned drillship drilled the Enyenra-2A well to a total depth of 4,234 meters (13,891 feet) in a water depth of 1,674 meters (5,492 feet). Kosmos and its partners will suspend the well for future use following the completion of logging operations.
The “Deepwater Millennium” drillship will remain on the Deepwater Tano Block to drill the Tweneboa-4 well.
Deepwater Tano Block Ownership Interest
Kosmos holds an 18% interest in the Deepwater Tano Block. An affiliate of Tullow Oil plc (LSE: TLW) operates the block with a 49.95% interest. An affiliate of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: APC) has an 18% interest; Sabre Oil & Gas Holdings Limited has a 4.05% interest; and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation has a 10% carried interest.
About Kosmos Energy:
Kosmos Energy is a privately held international oil exploration and production company with a focus in Africa.
Kosmos Energy
W. Greg Dunlevy,
C. Bell & Associates, Inc.
Crystal “Chris” Bell,
CounterPoint Strategies
Jim McCarthy,
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