LONDON - Sunday, June 26th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Seamus Gillen, the Director of Policy at the Institute of Chartered and Administrators (ICSA) will be visiting Dubai between 25 and 27 June.
ICSA, which is the qualifying body for Chartered Secretaries and the world’s leading authority on corporate governance, has recently provided a leading piece of guidance on board effectiveness for the UK’s Financial Reporting Council. The purpose of the guidance is to help boards avoid some of the problems that contributed to significant value destruction during the recent global financial crisis.
The visit marks a significant initiative involving ICSA and the Hawkamah Institute of Corporate Governance to strengthen governance arrangements in the Gulf region. Through its Sovereign Wealth Funds and asset houses, the Gulf region is one of the major global sources of capital used to finance many of the world’s leading companies and improved governance will help fortify this position.
During the visit, ICSA will also be disseminating its work on board effectiveness and board evaluations. On the morning of 26 June, Mr Gillen will be speaking at a breakfast seminar, organised by Hawkamah and Mudara, the Institute of Directors, on how board effectiveness can be measured and assessed.
On the afternoon of 26 June, Mr Gillen will be meeting representatives from Hawkamah Institute of Corporate Governance to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formalise the arrangements between Hawkamah and ICSA.
Seamus Gillen said: ‘We are delighted to have been given this opportunity to work more closely with the Hawkamah Institute of Corporate Governance. Good governance is an essential part of the process in rebuilding confidence in the economy and encouraging investment in the region’.
Editor’s notes 1. The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) is the worldwide professional body for Chartered Secretaries and a leading global authority on corporate governance. Chartered Secretaries are high-ranking professionals with a broad base of skills unique among the professions. Trained in law, finance and accounting, strategy, governance and ethics, Chartered Secretaries provide a focal point for independent advice and guidance about the conduct of business, governance and compliance.
2. Through its thought leadership in the areas of boardroom behaviour, reporting and risk management, its influence with government and regulators, and the work of its members, ICSA is helping to shape the governance agenda and promote the best practice essential to achieve enhanced board performance.
Rosie Hamilton
020 7612 7062
Mr Gillen in Dubai from 25-27 June:
+44 07739 088208
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