PARIS - Monday, December 19th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The 4th WIN Symposium in Personalized Cancer Medicine, to be held in Paris, France, June 28-29, 2012 (WIN 2012), will be again this year the unique forum featuring high-ranking speakers from academia, industry and regulatory agencies worldwide. They will address ways to improve the efficacy of cancer therapeutics at the level of the individual patient by using biomarkers and innovative cancer therapeutics in the most effective way.
Registration and call for poster are open on www.winconsortium.org.
The best posters will be awarded.
The WIN 2012 program brings together a unique assembly of top speakers, contributing to the various sessions:
Fundamental concepts and strategies to improve efficacy of therapeutics
Fabien Calvo, French National Cancer Institute, France
Ronald DePinho, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
James Doroshow, National Cancer Institute, USA
Edison Liu, Human Genome Organisation HUGO & Jackson Laboratory, USA
Christopher A. Viehbacher, Sanofi, France
WIN Consortium – Global innovative clinical trials
Fabrice Andre, Cancer Institute Gustave Roussy, France
Raanan Berger, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Razelle Kurzrock, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Vladimir Lazar, WIN Consortium & Cancer Institute Gustave Roussy, France
John Mendelsohn, WIN Consortium & UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Mike Pellini, Foundation Medicine, USA
Sam Raha, Life Technologies, USA
Jean-Charles Soria, Cancer Institute Gustave Roussy, France
Josep Tabernero, Hospital Val d’ Hebron, Spain
Biology-driven diagnostics and therapeutics
Steven Averbuch, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA
Rene Bernards, Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
Richard Gaynor, Eli Lilly and Company, USA
Paolo Paoletti, GlaxoSmithKline Oncology, USA
Bin Tean Teh, SingHealth Group, Singapore
Combinatorial biomarkers and efficacy of therapeutics
Waun Ki Hong, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Jeffrey Jackson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA
Laurence Zitvogel, Cancer Institute Gustave Roussy, France
Patient advocacy organizations
Janelle Hail, National Breast Cancer Foundation, USA
Innovative targets and new drug discoveries
Nick Botwood, AstraZeneca, UK
William Dalton, Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, USA
Elisabeth Mansfield, Food & Drug Administration, USA
Christian Meisel, Roche, Germany
Paul Workman, The Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Innovative therapeutics and clinical trials
Gerald Batist, McGill University & Segal Cancer Center, Canada
Stephen Friend, Sage Bionetworks, USA
Razelle Kurzrock, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Patricia LoRusso, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, USA
Josep Tabernero, Hospital Val d’ Hebron, Spain
System biology and bioinformatics
Leroy Hood, Institute for Systems Biology, USA
John Quackenbush, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Yosef Yarden, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
WIN 2012 synthesis and perspectives
Richard L. Schilsky, WIN Consortium & University of Chicago, USA
The full symposium program is available on the website of WIN Consortium (www.winconsortium.org).
WIN Consortium
Vladimir Lazar, +33 142 11 40 20
Chief Operating Officer
Catherine Bresson
Director Operational Team
WIN 2012 Symposium Secretariat, +31 88 089 8101
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