Tuesday, March 5, 2013

UAE Seen as One of the World’s Top Five Education Destinations

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, March 5th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

The UAE is seen as the fourth most attractive education destination in the world for students seeking to pursue their studies abroad, and the most attractive education destination among emerging market economies – beating the likes of China, Singapore and Australia. This is according to ground-breaking new research released today by Dubai International Academic City (DIAC), in conjunction with Deloitte.

The survey of over 2,400 students and a cross section of companies was carried out to provide DIAC with the region’s most comprehensive, independent study regarding workforce skills gaps that currently exist within emerging markets.

The findings, officially revealed today during a panel debate at Going Global 2013 by Dr Ayoub Kazim, Managing Director of TECOM Investments’ Education Cluster (which includes DIAC and DKV) shows that in the minds of students and recent graduates, the UAE’s educational offerings have a stronger appeal than those in many other emerging education hubs.

Not only that, the UAE is recognised for its strength in science, finance, economics and management, despite the analysis of recruitment in the region which revealed that hiring in some sectors, particularly in banking and finance, remained muted in 2012 - suggesting an oversupply in the workforce. By contrast, a third of recruiters are struggling to recruit at junior levels within the legal industry, which suggests an undersupply in the workforce.

Commenting on the report, Dr Ayoub Kazim, said:

“The study will be hugely helpful to students and universities already based in the UAE and those considering opening up a campus here, as well as potential employers. It will also assist DIAC, and government entities, as we collectively seek to develop the country’s ‘knowledge economy’ and refine future workforce planning.

“Armed with this information, DIAC can refocus its efforts to ensure it is fostering the growth of an education industry that is geared towards the needs of business and a diversified UAE economy. We will be able to screen potential academic partners using this evidence in order to emphasise that the courses offered are relevant and serve the needs of business.”

The study, carried out by leading consultancy firm, Deloitte, surveyed students across 17 markets in MEA and Asia and companies from a cross section of industries to gather their perceptions on the UAE as a further education destination and to identify emerging trends, as well as existing skill shortages within the region’s workforce. The aim of the study was to garner how students and businesses perceive the education landscape in the region, and to uncover how well the UAE’s current education programmes are serving the needs of industry.

Emmanuel Durou, Consulting director at Deloitte Middle East said:

“We believe this report will be a stepping stone for workforce planning in the UAE and, more broadly, in the region. It highlights the importance of a coordinated approach for workforce planning, at a macro level - as it is done in other markets - and identifies a number of initiatives at an institutional level from industry-academia collaborations to apprenticeship frameworks.

“Our sectorial analysis has shown that while the UAE has built a strong perception as an educational hub in sectors such as tourism and hospitality, there remain some important workforce supply and demand gaps in a number of industries including energy and healthcare.” 

According to the corporates surveyed within the study, there are 64 skills in high demand across a range of sectors including the skills required for entry level tourism and senior level telecom roles. There is potential to address some of the skill gaps identified by creating bespoke academic programmes and collaborating with existing academic partners to offer courses within the UAE or in the students’ home countries.

The findings of the report was released at Going Global 2013 - an annual conference hosted by the British Council, which offered an open forum for global leaders of international education to discuss issues facing the international education community.

- Ends -

Notes to editors:

About the DIAC Workforce Survey

The survey was carried out by leading consultancy firm, Deloitte.

Student survey methodology:

    A total of 2,415 qualified surveys targeting students and recent graduates were completed. The survey covered students and recent graduates across 17 countries obtaining perspectives on Dubai as a preferred education hub, current educational qualifications and factors influencing the selection of an educational institution.
    The survey covered a wide cross-section of students across the MENA region, Levant and South Asia. The average age of respondents was 21 years and the majority of respondents are recent graduates holding bachelor degrees.

Corporate survey methodology:

    Through a combination of CATI, F2F and Online panels, 235 companies were interviewed across the cross-section of sectors identified.

About Dubai International Academic City

Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) is the world’s only Free Zone dedicated to Higher Education.  Established in 2007 as part of TECOM Investments, DIAC aims to develop the region’s talent pool and establish the UAE as a knowledge-based economy.

DIAC is the premier destination for Higher Education in the region, located on a fully-appointed 18 million sq ft. campus with state-of-the-art modern facilities.  DIAC currently has 21 of the UAE’s 37 International Branch Campuses from 11 countries.



Layla Haroon

Bell Pottinger Middle East

+971 55 636 0425


Brendan Vyner

Brand Manager

TECOM Investments Education Cluster

+971 4 360 2960

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