LONDON - Monday, October 27th 2014 [ME NewsWire]
Mobile World Congress 2015
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The GSMA today introduced two special awards that have been developed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Global Mobile Awards. The ‘Young Mobile Innovator of the Year’ and ‘Connected Women: Leadership in Industry’ awards will be presented at the Global Mobile Awards ceremony at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 3 March 2015.
The first new award, ‘Young Mobile Innovator of the Year’, is designed to showcase young and exciting new talent from across the mobile ecosystem and is open to anyone between 18 and 25 years old, working in an organisation or independently, or currently pursuing further education. The second, the ‘Connected Women: Leadership in Industry’ award, will recognise leadership in the establishment of initiatives that have a positive impact in reducing the digital skills gap and attracting and retaining women and girls in mobile and telecommunications.
“These additional awards will put the spotlight on individuals and organisations that will be shaping the face of the mobile industry in the years to come,” said Michael O’Hara, Chief Marketing Officer, GSMA. “The ‘Young Mobile Innovator of the Year’ award provides a platform for up-and-coming individuals to showcase exciting new and innovative mobile ideas, and the ‘Connected Women: Leadership in Industry’ award will honour individuals, enterprises and initiatives that are working to close the ICT skills gender gap and inspire female leadership in technology around the world.”
Candidates for the ‘Young Mobile Innovator of the Year’ award must be able to demonstrate their ideas and provide evidence of early stage attention from prospective customers. Finalists will be invited to attend Mobile World Congress, where they will pitch their ideas in a live innovation session to a of panel judges who will select the overall winner. Successful entries to the ‘Connected Women: Leadership in Industry Award’ should exhibit value through thoughtful design and successful implementation of initiatives that accelerate the growth of the female digital economy by encouraging and retaining women in the technology industry.
Information for Entry for New Awards
Entry for these new awards is free and open for online nomination through 5:00 pm GMT on Thursday, 15th January 2015; full details along with entry criteria and can be found atwww.globalmobileawards.com. A shortlist of three finalists for each of the two additional awards will be announced in early February 2015.
About the 2015 Global Mobile Awards
The Global Mobile Awards 2015 comprise more than 40 awards across nine categories and are open to companies across the entire mobile ecosystem. The awards are judged by independent experts, analysts, journalists, academics, and in some cases, mobile operator representatives. The Global Mobile Awards must be entered online; a full list of categories, deadlines and award criteria can be found at www.globalmobileawards.com. For further information on the Global Mobile Awards 2015 or if you would like to become a sponsor, please contact the GSMA at awards@globalmobileawards.com.
For more information on the 2015 Mobile World Congress including how to attend, exhibit or sponsor, visit www.mobileworldcongress.com. Follow developments and updates on Mobile World Congress on Twitter @GSMA using #MWC15, on our LinkedIn company page http://gsma.at/GSMALinkedIn or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gsma.
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About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Spanning more than 220 countries, the GSMA unites nearly 800 of the world’s mobile operators with 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and Internet companies, as well as organisations in industry sectors such as financial services, healthcare, media, transport and utilities. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress and Mobile Asia Expo.
For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.
For the GSMA
Elli Karagiorgas
+44 (0)207 067 0496
GSMA Press Office
Permalink: http://me-newswire.net/news/12581/en
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