Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - Thursday, January 29th 2015 [ME NewsWire]
Al Maddah: Taking 15 minutes to complete the survey will help the city’s development
In a step to realize the public’s aspirations and to provide the most appropriate solutions, the Event Organizers Committee at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) has approved two initiatives in an effort to support the companies operating in the events industry.
The first adopted initiative involves the launch of a new e-survey available at the following website: www.eventssaudi.info . The survey investigates public attitudes and behaviors regarding the types and quality of the events that they would like to see in Jeddah and in other regions throughout the Kingdom. The survey also analyzes the frequency of attendance and public opinion regarding which events most meet their needs and aspirations.
The second initiative is an e-survey targeting companies operating in the events industry. The one-page survey, which is available at www.eventssaudi.info , covers the organization, procurement and logistics of services. The survey also collects data regarding the company’s age, previous events and number of employees.
The adoptions of the two initiatives were approved during the Committee’s regular meeting for the month of January, which was held by a number of JCCI Committee members. Meeting attendees included Feras Adel Al Maddah, President of the Committee, and Heba Wajdi Zahid, Vice-President of the Committee; alongside Committee members: Mohammed Iqbal Alawi, Yaser M. Baker, Osama Abdul Aziz Sarhan, Mahmoud Ahmed Alawadi, Mohammed Saif Ahmed Mansour.
Al Maddah said: “These initiatives will serve the general public in Jeddah and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results of the surveys will be shared with the concerned authorities, such as the Supreme Commission for Tourism (SCT) and the Tourism Development Council in the region and in the Jeddah Municipality, in order to keep them informed in regards to the quality of events that the public wants. In 15 minutes’ time, every citizen can complete this survey and contribute to the development of their city in terms of event coordination. Suggestions can be sent to the Committee on the website: www.eventssaudi.info .”
Al Maddah added: “Covering events companies will help us formulate a list of organized data for the Chamber related to event coordination. This industry is among the fastest growing industries in the Kingdom in both public and private sectors, with the number of operating events companies steadily growing.”
Feras Adel Al Maddah
Headline Communication
00966 560690606
Permalink: http://www.me-newswire.net/news/13510/en
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