On High Risk Pregnancy and Fetal Medicine Will be Held in May in Dubai, Key Highlights Will be on Maternal Critical Care, Complex Medical Disorders and Medical Complications in Pregnancy.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates -Sunday, April 30th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
The conference is being conducted by the world most prestegious organisation Royal College of Obstetrician and Gyanecology (RCOG) of London, UK. This organisation will be assisted by the British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS).
It is the first time in the Middle East that the two oranisations have come togather to offer a high profile 2 days event happening on 12 & 13 may 2017. RCOG and BMFMS are bringing a team of 6 international expert speakers; who have combined lectures with 5 workshops to offer recent updates and advances in the field of maternal and fetal health. The conference is open to obstetrician & gynaecologist, family health physicians, endocrinologist, midwives and associated nursing staff engaed in dignosis and treatment of high risk pregnancies, it also invites all sub-specialities from infertility specialist, embroylogist, to micro-surgeons and others.
Maternal and Fetal health has been a major concern worldwide including the middle east as well as in UAE, it has been found that more and more awareness is needed by the practitioners and related health care providers to ensure health for both mother as well as new born babies.
RCOG has line up some highly experienced international experts in the panel of speakers such as :
Professor Finnouala Mcauliffe, Dr Jason Wagh, Dr Roger Mcmorrow, Dr David Williams along with Dr Bashir Taha Salih and Dr Leanne Bricker. The aim is to address complex medical disorders in pregancy through, speaker sessions, discussions and workshops demostration the skills of handling particulary obstetrics emgergencies.
The is being held at le’Meridian hotel, OPP Dubai Airport and the local organisers are IBC medical services.
Bilal Michlawi
Permalink : http://www.me-newswire.net/news/3805/en
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